2025 Metal Detecting Event - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

DATE: Wednesday, JUne 11 and Thursday, June 12 - Schedule Below



In 1989, the activity director for the Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, Texas, Nolan Underwood (deceased), and Keith Wills worked to provide a new activity for handicapped children that attended the Camp each year.  They planned it out so that each child could experience the fun of metal detecting for hidden treasure beneath their feet/wheelchair.  At the same time, they would teach the counselors from foreign countries who volunteered their time at the Camp each year so that they could continue the activity after our annual visit.  

Little did Nolan or I know that by doing this, the counselors would take this idea of a new activity back home with them and offer it to such camps in their own countries around the world. The teaching was offered to all campers regardless of their handicap.  We taught the blind campers to listen to the detector and follow the detector rod downward to the ground to search for the hidden treasure. We used lights that fit in the headphone jacks to teach the deaf or they could learn to feel the vibration of the sound from the speaker. We taught the children in wheelchairs to detect away from their chair and spot the ground where the strongest signal came from, then row over to it and dig for the treasure. The children all loved the activity and look forward to our visit each year, as do the counselors.

Keith Wills shared that he has received many letters and phone calls from parents of these wonderful kids thanking him and the group for teaching such an activity to their child.

The stories are many, some heart touching and some funny. Keith shared the story of one mother who called him to say that after she bought her daughter a metal detector,  that child successfully hunted almost every yard on their block. The mother also shared that she takes her daughter to the city park at least once a week for her to metal detect from her wheelchair.  

Nothing fills your heart more than a story like this, except seeing the big smiles on the faces of the many children as we teach them to enjoy the hobby as we enjoy it.  Please consider volunteering your time to make this a memorable event for all these wonderful children.

All donations of foreign coins, equipment etc. are greatly appreciated. All those who donated to this event will be recognized on the TAMDC website.

Event Schedule:

The dates for the Lion’s Camp adventure for 2025 are Wednesday, June 11th Thursday, and 12th         4100 San Antonio Hwy, Kerrville, TX 78028

Larry Vickers will have a check-in sheet at the hunt site. Check in at the canopy under the oak trees. 

Questions?  Call Larry 512-243-1831

At the request of the Lion’s Camp Staff, PLEASE DO NOT come to the Lion’s Camp early; the camp’s staff will already be very busy getting the campers ready for the event.

We are in need of foreign coins for the kids to find. We cannot use US coins since the campers are not allowed to use the vending machines on site due to dietary restrictions.   We would like to have at least 60 pounds (or more) of foreign coins. We also accept small toys (like match box cars) to plant for the children to find.    We also like to leave extra coins at the camp so the counselors can continue the activity after we are gone.

If you are unable to volunteer to help at the event, please consider sending a donation of foreign coins.  Bulk lots of foreign coins can be purchased from eBay at a reasonable cost.                                            Ship coins to:  Larry Vickers   4249 FM 466    Cost, TX 78614

Wednesday, June 11th  

8:30 meet under the oak trees and check out the metal detectors and pin pointers; put batteries in if needed. (Thank you, Garrett Metal Detectors, for the equipment)

            9:00 set up for the first class and plant coins

            10:00 first class

            11:00 second class

            12:00 lunch break

            1:00 third class

            2:00 break (nap time for camp attendees)

            4:00 fourth class

            5:00 fifth class

            6:00 pack up your stuff for the day

            6:30 go to Mamacita’s for supper (optional)

            8:00 the day is over; rest up for the next day adventure

Thursday, June 12th 

            9:00 set up for the first class and plant coins

            10:00 first class

            11:00 second class

            12:00 lunch

            1:00 third class

            2:00 pack up and head home

 Since we will need to provide our own meals, Larry will provide fixings for sandwiches and bottled water both days or bring your own. There will be canopies for shade – bring a lawn chair.

Questions?  Call Larry 512-243-1831